The 23rd Rye Island Crayons: Vitamin of joy and imagination

Rye Island Crayons

The 23rd Rye Island Crayons: Vitamin of joy and imagination

Taking place under the patronage of the County Chairman

of the Trnava Self-Governing Region, JOZEF VISKUPIČ


On Friday, 10th June 2022, the vernissage of the exhibition as well as the awarding ceremony for the authors of the winning artworks of the 23rd International Competition The Rye Island Crayons finally took place on its scheduled date and under normal conditions, as always, in the Gallery of the Rye Island Museum.

By the February deadline, a total of almost 1,700 paintings and drawings by children aged two to seven had been submitted. After an extremely difficult decision, the expert jury selected 60 equal winners and decided to award two Jury Prizes. The exhibition counts 227 paintings by the same number of authors. Part of the exhibition is installed in GALLERY NOVA at the Rye Island Enlightenment Centre. The guests from various corners of Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria were welcomed by the Vice-Chairman of the Trnava Self-governing Region, JÓZSEF BERÉNYI. His words expressed sincere admiration for children's works of art, but also for the work of teachers and tutors. He also respectfully acknowledged the attitude and support of the children’s parents. Among the guests were the great friend of the Crayons, City Counsillor of the City of  Győr Tibor Diligens, the Vice-mayor of Dunajská Streda Attila Karaffa, the Vice-mayor of Veľký Meder Ildikó Lapos, and the Head of the District Office in Dunajská Streda Michal Deraj. Many representatives of the social life of our region also attended the event. This year, too, we needed financial support from sponsors. We had approached donors - individuals and company representatives with a request for a contribution to purchase toys for children. We cordially appreciate their positive response. Thanks to their support we were able to maintain the high level of the competition. Most of our donors sent a representative to the opening. Big thanks!

We will publish the list of our sponsors and official thanks separately.

The program began with the pantomime show Concerto of Maestro Adrián Ohrádka, who, without a word, enchanted not only the children, but also the parents and grandparents. Every guest had a merry time. The mime’s show was followed by a brief evaluation of the competition by the chairman of the jury Dr. Bohumír Bachratý, Csc. The members of the jury were: Mónika Várszegi on behalf of the City of Győr, academic sculptor and university teacher Alojz Drahoś, PhD., PhDr. Kornélia Nagyová, visual artist Eva Bachratá Linhartová and art teacher Gitka Kováčiková. It was indeed hard to choose the correct words, because not only the awarded 62 pictures, but also the rest of the exhibited art – almost 200 further paintings - would deserve a prize. The sent-in artworks have always been of a high quality. The Jury Chairman found it important to thank the little artists for their beautiful work and thank their teachers, as well as the parents for being such a great support for the talented children. Nowadays, such support is invaluable. The awards were presented by personalities of the public and social life of the district and the Trnava Region, as well as by representatives of companies and individuals who contributed financially to the purchase of gifts. They are the helpful angels of the event, which was first organized in 1996. Thank you all very much!!!

It is said:  better to see something once than to hear or read about it a thousand times. The wonderful atmosphere of the gallery filled with chattering children is hard to describe. Their joy, laughter, the happy surprise on their faces cannot be transferred to paper or a photograph ... More than 40 children came to the awarding ceremony, with their parents, grandparents and teachers. And like we had in the past years, we awarded the teachers, as well. Anikó Kovács from the Kindergarten on Októbrová street in Dunajská Streda, as well as the named school facility itself, were handed over their certificate at the vernissage. Congratulations!

The whole programme was hosted by Mgr. Editka Tilajčíková in three languages ​​- Slovak, Hungarian and English.

The Rye Island Enlightenment Centre has also published an exclusive catalogue in three languages and prepared stylish certificates. The little winners also received T-shirts with the event logo, a beautiful crayon medal from the workshop of ceramicist Štefan Alfӧldy and a very valuable toy.

The curator of the exhibition is PhDr. Kornélia Nagyová.

The secretary of the competition is PhDr. Dagmar Madarásová, professional methodologist of the Rye Island Enlightenment Centre.

The main organizer is the Rye Enlightenment Centre /founded by Trnava Self-governing Region/, co-organizer is the Rye Island Museum.


The Slovak Arts Council contributed from public sources to the event. The Town of Dunajská Streda also contributed from the grant system, and Trnava Self-governing Region, the Town of Veľký Meder and, to a significant extent, our donors also provided substantial financial support.

We thank you!!!

The exhibition is open until July 2, 2022 in the Rye Island Museum!!!

It's a short time, so don't hesitate to visit.

This exhibition is a vitamin of joy and imagination that heals and is not given anywhere else



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